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Int 49 Fn 0008  - Magic V1.23+ - Set Text Mode Magnification Size          [a]

   AX = 0008h
   BX = scaling factor (01h=1.4 times, 02h, 04h, 06h, 08h, 09h=12 times)

Return: AX = status
       0000h successful
       FFFBh scaling factor only available in MAGic Deluxe
       FFFCh already in magnified state, can't set size

Notes: this call specifies the amount a subsequent call to AX=0001h should
     magnify the display
   scaling factors greater than 2 are only available in MAGic Deluxe

See Also: AX=0001h

This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson